Emoji recount

KIA ORANA bloggers !!!!!!!!

today i am going to tell you about what i did i made a slide show about emoji recount first you had to make a brain storm of what  you did in your holidays then you right all about it.

something that was difficult:

something that was difficult is when i was trying to remember what date i did that.


something that was fun :

i liked putting the emojis in.

now i am going to show yo my  slide show hope you guys like it.


what was your favourite slide.

hope  you guys liked it by.


Smart images

KIA  ORA  bloggers !!!!!!!!!!

today I am going to tell you what we did. so we did some learning about smart images we also made a slide show about I am going to tell some of the slide show.


something that was difficult:

The one thing i have found difficult was when taking my photo on the  laptop the camera will swap my  side of the photo to the opposite side.


something that was fun:

i liked using the search web tool because there was so much cool photos.


now i am going to show you guys the slide show hope fully you guys enjoy it.

what did you like about the blog and don`t like about it.

thank you hope you liked the blog by!!!!!


holiday recount

fakaalofa atu and kia ora to day I am going to tell you about my holiday recount on my holidays I went to my cousins wedding it was so fun I cant wait to tell you about it lets start first my cousin came to pick my  sister and brother up because they are going to pick the bride up when they went we started getting ready we finely got ready then we went in the car and went to the hall when we got there the bride came then we got some starters to eat after 30 minutes we got diner the diner was nice then we took some photos after that we ate dessert for dessert we had ice cream and caramel slices and some chocolate slices then we had a chat with the bride then we left .

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